10 most confusing Homophones

As in my last post, I have described the top 10 common phobias. Most of my readers liked those phobias.
In today's post, I am going to describe Homophones. Homophone often causes trouble and creates a lot of confusion for learners of English. So let's start by taking a closer look at the meaning of word homophone.

What is homophone?

 Those words which share the same pronunciation but have different meaning are called homophones.
This word derives form the Greek, where 'homo'- means same and the root 'phone'- means sound. So the words "flower" and "flour" are a homophone, as are "two" and "to".

There are thousands of homophones but I'm going to describe 10 most common homophones which mostly left us puzzled!!

1. cell/sell

Cell(noun):- jail

The prisoner was locked up in a cell.

Sell(verb):- to offer something for people to buy


He sells vegetables for a living.

2. Die/dye

Die(verb):-  to stop living

His parents died in a car accident.

Dye(verb):- to colour hair

बालो मे कलर करना

My grandmother dyed her hair black.

3. Heal/Heel

Heal(verb):- to become healthy again, cure

पुनः स्वस्थ हों जाना 

It will take one month to heal this serious injury.

Heel(noun):- the back part of your foot


A stone was dug into my mother's heel during the journey to Vaishno Devi.

4. Accept/Except

Accept(verb):- to say yes to something or agree to something

स्वीकार करना

She accepted his proposal after feeling how much caring he is.

Except(verb/preposition) :- not including something/somebody

बजाये/ अलावा

This medical store is open every day except Monday.

5. Knot/Not

Knot(noun):- a join made by tying together the ends of the rope, cloth etc.


He can't untie the knot - it's too tight.

Not(adverb):-to deny something


Julie told him not to call her.


Knight(noun):- warrior


Gaius Julius Caesar was a great knight of Rome.

Night(noun):- the part of the day when it is dark

He awoke all night to find the thief.

7. Idle/Idol

Idle(adj):- useless, not working or being used
बेकार / फालतू

He sits idle whole day.

Idol(noun):- a person or thing that is greatly admired and loved

आदर्श / प्रतिमा

Neha Kakkar was once a contestant of Indian Idol.

8. Brake/Break

Brake(noun):- the part of a vehicle that makes it go slower or stop


The driver suddenly put on his brakes after seeing a two years old child in front of his car.

Break( verb):- to divide  into two or more pieces

तोड़ना /टूटना

My aunt scolded me for breaking her favourite Bengal.

9. Weather/Whether

Weather(noun):- the condition of the atmosphere in one area at a particular time


The weather nowadays is unpredictable.

Whether(conj):- (used especially reporting questions or expressing doubts) if, or not

यदि /अगर /चाहे

He asked me whether I was interested in working for him.

10. Then/Than

Then(adv):-  next, after that

फिर /उसके बाद

If you come on time, the doctor will see you then.

Than(conj):- used when you are comparing two things


He is smarter than you.

I hope you understood these homophones. If you have any doubt and question ask me in the comment box.

A Key to improve oneself is to share his/her knowledge with others. 

If you like these homophones do share them.


  1. Thanku mam it's helper words super Cali Fragalistic expiya lidocious

  2. Seriously it was confusing for me but now it's clear thanks to share

  3. It's helping me for improving my English skill, Really it's super cali fragalistic expialidocious


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